Bid : $RACESBUL.276 TO: ALL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCIES VIA AMATEUR RADIO INFO: ALL RACES OPERATORS IN CA (ALLCA: OFFICIAL) ALL AMATEURS U.S. (@ USA: INFORMATION) FROM: CA STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES (W6HIR @ WA6NWE.CA) 2800 Meadowview Rd., Sacramento, CA 95832 (916)262-1600 Landline BBS open to all: (916) 262-1657 RACESBUL.276 DATE: May 31, 1993 SUBJECT: MGT - Radio Officer or RACES Radio Officer, which? One will see both titles in our discussions on communications volunteers in government service. While it may be of little significance in your government, here is how we define them to those who may just be starting up a communications program. A RACES Radio Officer is basically as described in the FCC Rules and Regulations: that person who directs a local government's Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service program and is responsible to its civil defense director. We utilize the title of Radio Officer, without the word RACES, to mean one who coordinates the RACES and more. Such a Radio Officer is concerned with all of the two-way radio systems in a local government, whereas the scope of a RACES Radio Officer is confined to the RACES. Thus the Radio Officer works not only with Amateur Radio but one or more of the following: Civil Air Patrol, Local Government, Fire, Police, Special Emergency, EMS, MARS, Citizens Band, other FCC radio services and those of the Federal government. Some governments have only one or two RACES Radio Officers who, in turn, call upon ARES resources for support as needed. This is not necessarily a Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service, however. We urge that you encourage your RACES Radio Officer to become familiar with the capabilities and shortcomings of all your local government's telecommunications so that you may be better served by your volunteers. There is no time to train and explain when called out in an emergency. * * * "The deepest need is the need to be needed." --- R.L.S. EOM